About 911 foster pets
Listen to a Foster Pet Podcast Interview
Check out this podcast, an interview with 911fosterpets that provides insight into what fostering a pet is like with some helpful foster pet tips. Hear first-hand from our strategic advisor, Joyce Briggs, who sat down…
Meet 911FosterPets co-founder, Betsy Saul Banks
How does fostering a pet save lives? Here’s Betsy’s interview with Voyage Baltimore: Hi Betsy, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself. Thanks. I’m Betsy Banks Saul, best…
Enrich foster pet programs by addressing the needs of marginalized communities
Every year, millions of pets end up in shelters or in the care of rescue organizations. 911fosterpet’s co-founder, Betsy Banks Saul, shares her thoughts on how we can help and expand the foster program by…
Do More Good with Technology
Since the first primitive man counted sheep with a stick, technology has been helping people solve their problems. For the shepherd, it helped him know if any of his herd went missing through the day….
Why We are Here
We are here to save lives. Even to myself it sounds absurd sometimes, or at least a little grandiose. Like many I want to do good, make an impact, and the choice I made is…