Foster Hero Story: Meet Nicole & the Septuplets

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Fostering seven at once? All the more to love!

This couple fostered an entire kitten kindergarten class! See their fun video in the story.

Nicole, what motivated you to foster?

Fostering is such a great opportunity to give back and receive so much in return: Lots of love and an abundance of happy moments with kittens, families and friends.

What was your experience fostering?

I fostered seven orphaned kittens who came to us from the shelter when they were about 4-5 weeks old.  Their names?  Gold, Salt, Swan, Sesame, Friday, Ink, and Sheep. Having no kids of our own, those kittens filled a hole in our hearts. We are looking forward to more kittens in our life. Some of those kittens will need medical help and for some, this help might not be enough. Remember why you are doing it—not for playtime or to keep the kittens but to save their lives.

A basketful of cuteness!

We believe fostering a pet is a heroic effort. How were you able to be a “hero” to these kittens?

Getting them through tough times, being their mom and finding good homes for them so they don’t have to stay at the shelter.  Especially black cats have a hard time to get adopted and we had seven all black kittens.

Do you have a support team?

My husband is fostering with me. He’s ready to take over whenever he is needed.

What advice would you give to first-time foster pet parents? 

Read the manual. Stay calm—there will be diarrhea, there will be vomit. Those are little babies and you can expect everything that comes with little babies. Sleepless nights when your baby is sick included. It’s a great experience to see them grow up in such a short time.

Did you know? 

It can be important to tell kittens that look alike, apart. You need to track any medicines given, food intake and more. To make sure you don’t mix kittens up, shelters will sometimes give them a different combination of ink marks inside their ears. They are not permanent, but last long enough to tell littermates apart. You’ll see a another technique in the video.

Speaking of playtime, watch these little ones in action !

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